Global Wine Operations B.V.

  • Naam Global Wine Operations B.V.
  • Leerbedrijf ID 100411038
  • KvK naam Global Wine Operations B.V.
  • KvK nummer 57418179
  • KvK vestigingsnummer 000026865807
  • Bedrijfsindeling Dienstverlening voor vervoer over land
  • Telefoon +31180635133
  • Bedrijfsgrootte 51 tot en met 100 medewerkers
  • Totale capaciteit 2
  • Stage/bbl overeenkomsten -


  • Omschrijving Global Wine Operations is a supply chain specialist fully focused on wine, formed by extracting the different logistical departments of Delta Wines. We have executed all logistics for the Delta Wines companies for more than 30 years. In April 2013 Global Wine Operations started working as an independent logistical company and benefits from our logistical synergy. As Global Wine Operations, we now offer logistical services to retailers, agents, wholesalers, wine companies and producers from all over the world, with a separate administration and a specialized and experienced crew. From our warehouse in Waddinxveen More info:
  • Informatie Student Global Wine Operations is onderdeel van de grotere holding Delta Wines. Daarin bieden we meer opleidingen aan die we kunnen begeleiden.

Global Wine Operations B.V.

  • Naam Global Wine Operations B.V.
  • Leerbedrijf ID 100411038
  • KvK naam Global Wine Operations B.V.
  • KvK nummer 57418179


Sector: Economie en administratie

Sector: Entree

Sector: Transport, scheepvaart en logistiek

Global Wine Operations B.V.

  • Naam Global Wine Operations B.V.
  • Leerbedrijf ID 100411038
  • KvK naam Global Wine Operations B.V.
  • KvK nummer 57418179

Contactpersonen (2)

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