Limpopo Eco Operations (LEO)

  • Naam Limpopo Eco Operations (LEO)
  • Leerbedrijf ID 100455038
  • Telefoon +27798772717
  • Bedrijfsgrootte 2 tot en met 9 medewerkers
  • Totale capaciteit 0
  • Stage/bbl overeenkomsten -


  • Omschrijving - Wildlife Monitoring (Big 5: lion, elephant, white and black rhino, leopard, buffalo. Hyenas - Conservation work: alien plant removal,bush clearing, road maintenance,erosion control,road re-opening, game capture. -Anti-poaching support. -Camera Trap set up and processing. - Reports for the park. - Assist the vet when necessary with animal darting. - Sustainable living education
  • Informatie Student LEO Africa was established in 2005 with the object of monitoring the key species of South Africa game reserves/national parks. We host volunteers from all around the world who assist us: - at base: data insert, ID photos sorting out, camera trap processing, house duties - on the field: collecting data, taking photos for ID kit, conservation work, animal spotting - economically: LEO runs only with the income from the volunteers, providing a free service to the park.

Limpopo Eco Operations (LEO)

  • Naam Limpopo Eco Operations (LEO)
  • Leerbedrijf ID 100455038
  • Telefoon +27798772717
  • Bedrijfsgrootte 2 tot en met 9 medewerkers


Sector: Voedsel, natuur en leefomgeving

Limpopo Eco Operations (LEO)

  • Naam Limpopo Eco Operations (LEO)
  • Leerbedrijf ID 100455038
  • Telefoon +27798772717
  • Bedrijfsgrootte 2 tot en met 9 medewerkers

Contactpersonen (1)

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