YMCA Valletta
- Naam YMCA Valletta
- Leerbedrijf ID 100054361
- Bedrijfsindeling Lokaal welzijnswerk
- Telefoon +35621228038
- Bedrijfsgrootte 10 tot en met 50 medewerkers
- Totale capaciteit 0
- Stage/bbl overeenkomsten -
- Omschrijving The YMCA in Malta forms part of an international movement which is present in 120 countries. YMCA Malta was known in the past as YMCA Valletta and/or YMCA Homeless. In 2019, YMCA Malta was officially launched as the National YMCA with local YMCA branches in several localities. Our organisation is a Non-Government Organisation, non-profit, voluntary and ecumenical movement seeking to promote the vision to build a more just society. - We support the positive development of youths as a preventive measure - We intervene by offering a spectrum of social work services to individuals who are underprivileged or socially disadvantaged - The specialisation in this regard is the support, assistance and reintegration of the homeless in Malta - We promote a programme of activities designed to foster the spiritual, intellectual, social and physical well-being of young and elder people - We seek to help all people irrespective of their mental and physical abilities and without any discrimination to sex, religion, nationality, race and political opinion - We seek to develop and strengthen links and recognition from the state and church authorities and other private, public, corporate entities in Malta - We take an active part in cultural, environmental, artistic, musical, audio-visual and other forms of activities - We perform mainly as a Social Work Services Agency, a Youth Work Agency, a Housing Association and any other role as may be decided at our Annual General Meetings Our Youth Empowerment Programme was revived in April 2016 and it sustains the YMCA Malta by giving the opportunity for young people to create projects in areas such as research, sustainability, outreach, social wellbeing and non-formal education. At the core of the programme’s modus operandi is the concept of empowered teams. Through a solid support and mentoring system, young people are given the necessary trust to share their vision, and through co-working in the creation of projects, encouraged to take responsibility and enact their own decisions. This process of personal development is enhanced by various training opportunities locally and abroad which YMCA Malta gives to its members through the international network of YMCAs. As part of our residential programme at YMCA Msida, we have two current residential settings. The first is Dar Niki Cassar and this is where individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness, receive shelter and support. We support a maximum of 34 residents, of different ages, nationalities, social circumstances and genders, at one time, and they can stay with us for up to a year and a half. As part of their care programme with us, our residents are empowered to learn to live independently, are supported with psychosocial services and work hand in hand with their residential support officer in creating weekly goals on the way to achieving their ultimate goal of independent living. As a team we are available at DNC 24/7, providing assistance and support. Our second residential programme is Y Communal Home - Program Kisbet Serhan. This home caters for a maximum of 14 residents and is a semi-independent programme. For the most, our residents in YCH live independently, having their own rooms and shared common areas. The Wellbeing Programme provides free, appropriate and professional understanding and intervention response to emotional and behavioural needs of the service users through the provision on individual and group counselling/psychotherapeutic sessions as part of an integrative, preventive and intervention service. Through workshops and activities echoes thewellbeing on an individual, community and societal basis. Social Business Programme financially sustains the local YMCAs social services. This is done through organising fundraising social business initiatives, setting up projects that can deliver sustainable and ethical sources of income and also by collaborating with the corporate sector.
YMCA Valletta
- Naam YMCA Valletta
- Leerbedrijf ID 100054361
- Bedrijfsindeling Lokaal welzijnswerk
- Telefoon +35621228038
Sector: Zorg en welzijn
Werken aan de kwaliteit van het dagelijks leven van mensen en groepen (B1-K1)
- Onderzoekt de behoefte aan sociaal werk (B1-K1-W1)
- Kiest samen met mensen een aanpak voor ondersteuning (B1-K1-W2)
- Versterkt de sociale basis (B1-K1-W3)
- Biedt praktische ondersteuning bij dagelijks functioneren (B1-K1-W4)
- Zet een activiteit in om doel(en) te bereiken (B1-K1-W5)
- Komt op voor de rechten van mensen (B1-K1-W6)
- Evalueert de aanpak voor ondersteuning (B1-K1-W7)
Werken in een organisatie en aan de eigen beroepsontwikkeling (B1-K2)
- Voert het beleid uit (B1-K2-W1)
- Voert administratieve taken uit (B1-K2-W2)
- Werkt aan de eigen professionele ontwikkeling (B1-K2-W3)
Equivalenten van deze opleiding
- Sociaal werk (23185)
- Sociaal werk (23251)
- Sociaal werk (23384)
- Sociaal werker (25615)
- Sociaal-cultureel werker (22200)
- Sociaal-cultureel werker (25488)
- Sociaal-cultureel werker (91370)
- Sociaal-maatschappelijk dienstverlener (22196)
- Sociaal-maatschappelijk dienstverlener (25489)
- Sociaal-maatschappelijk dienstverlener (Sociaal-maatschappelijk dienstverlener) (92670)
- Zorg en welzijn (79140)
YMCA Valletta
- Naam YMCA Valletta
- Leerbedrijf ID 100054361
- Bedrijfsindeling Lokaal welzijnswerk
- Telefoon +35621228038
Contactpersonen (3)
Michelle Baardemans Contactpersoon Intermediair buitenlandRollen
Contactpersoon Intermediair buitenland
Anthony Camilleri Contactpersoon BPV, Praktijkopleider Gespecialiseerd pedagogisch medewerkerRollen
Contactpersoon BPV, Praktijkopleider
OpleidingenGespecialiseerd pedagogisch medewerker, Sociaal werker, Legal, Insurance & HR Services Specialist
Sociaal werker, Legal, Insurance & HR Services Specialist -
Gwennaelle Viard Contactpersoon BPVRollen
Contactpersoon BPV