Betty Blocks BV

  • Naam Betty Blocks BV
  • Leerbedrijf ID 100468892
  • KvK naam Holder B.V.
  • KvK nummer 66172446
  • KvK vestigingsnummer 000034820442
  • Bedrijfsindeling Ontwikkelen, produceren en uitgeven van software
  • Telefoon +31226331440
  • Bedrijfsgrootte 101 tot en met 250 medewerkers
  • Totale capaciteit 7
  • Stage/bbl overeenkomsten 5


  • Omschrijving Hi, we’re Betty Blocks! Do you like Big Hairy Audacious Goals? This is ours: By 2023, anyone can build an application. Quite a statement, right? So how we are doing with our BHAG? It’s going pretty well! So well actually, that we grew by 360% in 2018. And we’re just getting started! To support our superhuman ambition, we are looking for interns who wants to help support the vision of our Forrester-licensed no-code application development platform. Our headquarter is located in Alkmaar and is called the HUB (look it up, it's awesome!). We are always looking for Application Development interns and Facility Management Interns. Let's get in contact!
  • Informatie Student About Betty Blocks Betty Blocks is a cloud-based application development solution featuring a no-code, drag-and-drop interface for developing business applications. The user interface designer lets users configure an application's text, headers, forms and tables. Betty Blocks features visual modeling, which lets users create application workflows through a visual interface. Developers can also share application processes with other Betty Blocks users, allowing others to implement the same processes in their own applications. Apps developed with Betty Blocks can be used on mobile devices, tablets or desktops, and all applications have a standardized back office interface. Additionally, Betty Blocks complies with ISO 27001 security standards and supports integration with various third-party web services that include Slack, Oracle, Dropbox, Salesforce and more. Services are offered on a monthly subscription basis that includes support via phone, email and live chat.

Betty Blocks BV

  • Naam Betty Blocks BV
  • Leerbedrijf ID 100468892
  • KvK naam Holder B.V.
  • KvK nummer 66172446


Sector: Economie en administratie

Sector: Horeca en bakkerij

Sector: ICT

Sector: Zorg en welzijn

Betty Blocks BV

  • Naam Betty Blocks BV
  • Leerbedrijf ID 100468892
  • KvK naam Holder B.V.
  • KvK nummer 66172446

Contactpersonen (4)

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