Software developer

CrescentOne B.V. Work in the centre of the Brainport High-Tech Industy

At CrescentOne, we are proud that we can contribute to the success of our customers with our solutions. We are committed to meeting the business goals of our customers. As a software developer you’ll work in a team. You’ll support in the day-to-day maintenance of our software installed at customers. To be able to support customers accurate and timely it is paramount to have the implemented configuration at the customer site at our finger tips. We need to develop a central back-end and a front-end to access and maintain this master data. The master data is used in several systems that should be able to consume the information through API’s.

Naar wie zijn wij op zoek?

As part of a team we expect the student to act as a team member. Working in a team means following protocols with a high sense of responsibility. Keeping systems up and running, healthy and secure. Design and improve procedures, but also maintaining documentation on the systems, devices and processes. While part of the job is to use and maintain the existing infrastructure, we are always trying to optimize and develop this infrastructure and our processes. The student will be challenged to be part of or initiate these optimalizations.

Wat biedt het bedrijf?

CrescentOne is located on the Brainport Industries Campus (BIC) in Eindhoven, close to the airport. The BIC is a vibrant location where a great diversity of organizations has their offices and factories. Goal of the campus is to facilitate and stimulate these organizations to join forces. This goal is implemented in several innovation projects where we work together on the factory of the future. The BIC is a large and modern facility, easy to reach and a pleasure to work in the center of the High-Tech discrete manufacturing industry of Eindhoven.

Wat ga je leren?

  • Realiseert software
  • B1-K1-W1 Plant werkzaamheden en bewaakt de voortgang
  • B1-K1-W2 Ontwerpt software
  • B1-K1-W3 Realiseert (onderdelen van) software
  • B1-K1-W4 Test software
  • B1-K1-W5 Doet verbetervoorstellen voor de software
  • Werkt in een ontwikkelteam
  • B1-K2-W1 Voert overleg
  • B1-K2-W2 Presenteert het opgeleverde werk
  • B1-K2-W3 Reflecteert op het werk

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