Like Charlie

  • Naam Like Charlie
  • Leerbedrijf ID 100775750
  • KvK naam Like Charlie
  • KvK nummer 89110692
  • KvK vestigingsnummer 000049931407
  • Bedrijfsindeling Detailhandel via postorder en internet in kleding en modeartikelen
  • Telefoon +31616424660
  • Bedrijfsgrootte 2 tot en met 9 medewerkers
  • Totale capaciteit 0
  • Stage/bbl overeenkomsten -


  • Omschrijving Like Charlie is a clothing brand with both an online webshop and a physical store located right in the center of Amsterdam. My name is Jurren, and I am the owner of this company: With Like Charlie, I aim to inspire and encourage you to break the stigma around mental health together and engage in conversations that foster more openness. Each piece of Like Charlie clothing carries a message through unique prints, intended to make the weighty subject of 'mental health' feel lighter. Like Charlie also seeks to convey a mountain of positivity through the use of colorful illustrations and inspirational quotes. The confidence-boosting feel comes from our uniquely crafted relaxed fit and the exceptional quality of our clothing. To create a more meaningful impact, Like Charlie is proud to donate 5% of its profits to MIND Us: an organization passionately dedicated to improving the mental health of Gen Z and millennials. Like Charlie strives for a world where mental health is no longer in the shadows, and positivity takes the lead. Will you join us in this mission?
  • Informatie Leren & Werken You'll find yourself in an environment where the customer is at the center of everything. The story of Like Charlie resonates with many people, and these are precisely the target audience that Like Charlie focuses on. The customer journey - both online and in the physical store - is the most important aspect, as it's the reason people make a purchase. They are buying into a story. You will be part of this journey with them. You will provide hospitality, offer advice, and make sales. Together, we will shape your pitch and story, ensuring customers cannot overlook your sales skills. Practicing extensively and trying out new things are crucial here. In addition to conveying the brand's story as powerfully as possible, you will also learn all the specifications of the clothing, so you stand firm in your knowledge. Visitors and customers are all very different people, and you need to communicate differently with each one. This is something we will tackle together. Besides selling, you will also carry out supportive and professionalizing tasks. At Like Charlie, you will have the freedom to experiment. Not everything may go as planned, but that's a learning opportunity! You will support Jurren and be proactive in coming up with ideas/improvements. This could be in the sales process (online or in-store), in how items are presented, or in enhancing the professionalism of Like Charlie. In the Heart of Amsterdam - Learn by doing!
  • Informatie Student All MBO students level 2 and 3 are welcome to come in for an interview. Preparation is key, as I might ask you to tell me the story of Like Charlie. What else is important: - Socially skilled - Speaks both Dutch and English - Loves hard work and having fun

Like Charlie

  • Naam Like Charlie
  • Leerbedrijf ID 100775750
  • KvK naam Like Charlie
  • KvK nummer 89110692


Sector: Handel, mode, ondernemerschap

Like Charlie

  • Naam Like Charlie
  • Leerbedrijf ID 100775750
  • KvK naam Like Charlie
  • KvK nummer 89110692

Contactpersonen (1)

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